Article Listings
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Managing children’s behaviour naturally

Managing children’s behaviour naturally

Date: 2017-02-17
Author: Melissa Peterson, freelance writer
Access: Public

Tantrums and meltdowns are all very normal for a young growing child. However, when meltdowns turn into aggression, or tantrums happen daily, then nutritional and herbal support together…

Antioxidants and the liver

Antioxidants and the liver

Date: 2017-02-02
Author: Corinne Bett BHSc Nat, Dip RM, Cert IV Nursing
Access: Public

Antioxidants are well known for their health benefits. Often derived from plants, they come in the form of phytochemicals that protect the plant from external damage in their…

How your gut can affect your mood

How your gut can affect your mood

Date: 2017-01-19
Author: Amy Jordan, BSc(Hons)HumNut
Access: Public

When you learned about the human body in school, you were probably told that the brain controls everything in the body. What we now know, is that the…

Surviving the silly season (yes, it’s possible!)

Surviving the silly season (yes, it’s possible!)

Date: 2016-12-13
Author: Amy Jordan, BSc(Hons)HumNut
Access: Public

It’s that time of year again! Parties and mince pies, roast turkey and your nan’s delicious Christmas pudding, gingerbread and candy canes. With all the delicious treats and…

Why detox may help support your healthy body

Why detox may help support your healthy body

Date: 2016-11-25
Author: Amy Jordan, BSc(Hons)HumNut
Access: Public

Detoxing - we’ve all heard of it, we’re all told we should be doing it, but what actually IS it? And how do we go about detoxing anyway?

All about methylation and what you can do to keep yours healthy

All about methylation and what you can do to keep yours healthy

Date: 2016-11-15
Author: Georgia Marrion, BHSc(Comp med) AdvDipHSc(Nat) MHumNut
Access: Public

Have you been hearing a-lot about methylation lately, and wondering what it’s all about? Methylation is a biochemical process which is involved in a wide range of bodily…

Vitamin D and its ‘helper’ nutrients

Vitamin D and its ‘helper’ nutrients

Date: 2016-10-28
Author: by Amy Jordan, BSc (Hons) HumNut
Access: Public

Most of us have heard of vitamin D, but did you know that it needs other vitamins and minerals to do its job properly in the body? Read…

Why to choose ferrous bisglycinate for iron supplementation

Why to choose ferrous bisglycinate for iron supplementation

Date: 2016-09-27
Author: Georgia Marrion, BHSc(Comp med) AdvDipHSc(Nat) MHumNut
Access: Public

Iron is the most common type of nutritional deficiency in the world,1 and one in eight Australians are not consuming enough.2 But what does this important mineral do,…

Maximise your mitochondria

Maximise your mitochondria

Date: 2016-09-09
Author: Bonnie Bayley
Access: Public

From your beating heart, to your breathing, right down to the complex signals within your cells. It takes a lot of energy to keep the numerous biological processes…

Are good probiotics a catalyst to better gut health?

Are good probiotics a catalyst to better gut health?

Date: 2016-08-30
Author: BioCeuticals - Editor
Access: Public

Probiotic supplements may benefit digestive health, the immune system, inflammatory conditions, skin, joints and more... Did you know that more than 90% of your body’s cells are live…

Unique applications of probiotics in urogenital health

Unique applications of probiotics in urogenital health

Date: 2016-08-24
Author: Corinne Bett, BHSc Nat Dip RM Cert IV Nursing
Access: Public

Did you know that just like our gut, which is populated by beneficial bacteria, so too the urogenital tract of women contains valuable microbiota?1

The missing link between stress and weight gain

The missing link between stress and weight gain

Date: 2016-08-12
Author: Amy Jordan, BSc Human Nutrition
Access: Public

Most people know that stress may lead to weight gain. What isn’t as well known is the physiological mechanism which occurs when we are stressed, that may lead…

Ubiquinol may improve mitochondrial function

Ubiquinol may improve mitochondrial function

Date: 2016-08-10
Author: BioCeuticals - Editor
Access: Practitioner Only

Ubiquinol may improve function in people with mitochondrial reduced function, according to a new Dutch study.1

Boost the immune system of a formula-fed baby, naturally

Boost the immune system of a formula-fed baby, naturally

Date: 2016-07-18
Author: BioCeuticals - Editor
Access: Public

The approach of winter can be stressful and worrying when you have a young infant. It can break your heart to see them unwell, and you wish for…

Emerging evidence behind the gut-skin axis theory

Emerging evidence behind the gut-skin axis theory

Date: 2016-07-01
Author: Melissa Peterson AdvDipHSc(Nat) GradCertEvBdPrac
Access: Public

Evidence of the gut-brain axis has been developing for many years. However, more recently there has been a re-emergence of the gut-skin axis theory from its discovery 80…

How to keep away common colds this winter

How to keep away common colds this winter

Date: 2016-06-06
Author: Stephanie Berglin DBM, DipNut, BAComms
Access: Public

The immune system is one of the most important systems of the body, and our most important defender against foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. It is only…

Shining the light on vitamin D

Shining the light on vitamin D

Date: 2016-05-12
Author: Jennifer Joseph
Access: Public

With all the hype surrounding vitamin D, as well as the high vitamin D deficiency rate in Australians, it’s time to clarify what exactly this complex vitamin does…

The discovery of zonulin in coeliac disease

The discovery of zonulin in coeliac disease

Date: 2016-04-20
Author: Alessio Fasano MD
Access: Public

It is fair to say that the theory that leaky gut contributes to coeliac disease (CD) and autoimmunity in general was initially greeted with great skepticism, partly because…

Liposomes provide advanced delivery system

Liposomes provide advanced delivery system

Date: 2016-03-01
Author: Stephanie Berglin, DBM, DipNut, BAComms
Access: Public

New liposomal technology has developed vehicles for transporting substances into the body effectively via absorption in the mouth, bypassing the digestive system.

Standardised herbal extracts: the key to cognitive function

Standardised herbal extracts: the key to cognitive function

Date: 2016-02-09
Author: Stephanie Berglin
Access: Public

Clinical evidence supports the use of the Ayurvedic herb brahmi for cognitive enhancement. Clinical trials have shown cognitive benefits across all age ranges, with long-term supplementation (12 weeks)…