
Symposium Sessions
Hear the latest research information directly from the international experts that presented at previous BioCeuticals Symposiums.

  • COVID: Lessons from the Battlefield - Symposium 2021

    Everyone has a story to share, be it personal or professional, highlighting the struggles people have faced over the last 18 months. Our esteemed panel of experts bring to the forefront what it’s really been like in practice and explore the challenges and the opportunities the future brings for mental health and wellbeing for the Australian population. Prof Kerryn Phelps | Dr Azita Moradi | Prof Jayashri Kulkarni CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: BioCeuticals

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Austin Perlmutter - Reconceptualising mood and cognition through a biological lens - Symposium 2021

    Our mood and cognitive status are fundamental to the quality of our lives and our health. And yet, despite decades of research to the contrary, we tend to see these concepts as reflections of singular variables, or worse yet, a manifestation of a “self” that should be blamed for character defects. In this presentation, we’ll explore how neuroscience can open the door to a deeper understanding of why we do and feel what we do, and how to leverage this information to transition towards better solutions for some of today’s most disabling mental health conditions. CPD information ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Dr Austin Perlmutter

    Cost: $ Free

  • Prof Julia Rucklidge - Research, Resilience and PTSD - Symposium 2021

    This session spans research over a decade from the Christchurch Earthquakes of 2010/2011, to floods in Southern Alberta, Canada in 2013, to a mass shooting in 2 mosques in Christchurch in 2019. I will share insights into doing research within the midst of disasters and some lessons we learned along the way about resilience within a post trauma environment. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Prof Julia Rucklidge

    Cost: $ Free

  • A world first - Nutraceutical and Phytoceutical Clinical Guidelines for Use in Psychiatric Disorders - Symposium 2021

    The therapeutic use of nutrient-based ‘nutraceuticals’ and plant-based ‘phytoceuticals’ for the treatment of mental disorders is common. The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Disorders (CANMAT) convened an international taskforce involving 31 leading academics and clinicians from 15 countries, between 2019 and 2021. The taskforce developed and ratified clinical guidelines aimed at providing a definitive evidence-informed approach to assist clinicians in making decisions around the use of such agents for major psychiatric disorders. This Panel discusses the conclusions of the guidelines, and discusses the evidence, safety and tolerability, and clinical advice regarding prescription (e.g., indications, dosage); in addition to consideration for use in specialised populations. Prof Jerome Sarris | Prof Julia Rucklidge | Dr Adrian Lopresti CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: BioCeuticals

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Adrian Lopresti - The Science Behind Ashwaghanda and Saffron - Symposium 2021

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a popular therapeutic herb that is receiving increasing attention in the scientific literature. In traditional medicine, it has been used to promote youthful vigour, endurance, and strength; and is believed to nurture the time elements of the body. In vitro and in vivo trials confirm that Ashwagandha has adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, endocrinological, and neuroprotective effects. The number of human clinical trials on ashwagandha are rapidly increasing, having examined its efficacy for the treatment of conditions such as stress and anxiety, sexual function and fertility, athletic performance, pain, diabetes, and cognitive performance. In this presentation, research examining the effects of ashwagandha on mental and cognitive conditions such as stress and anxiety, insomnia, cognitive performance, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia will be reviewed. Clinical recommendations in terms of dose, treatment duration, extract types, and safety will also be covered to help clinicians use ashwagandha safely and appropriately in their practice. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Dr Adrian Lopresti

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Aoife Earls - Creativity and Play for Clinicians: Becoming our own advocates in self-care - Symposium 2021

    As health care professionals, our role is to provide support and direction for others. It can leave us at the brink of burnout, exhausted and grieving the loss of our own unrecognized needs or the needs we did not anticipate in our giving. There is much discussion around polyvagal theory and bringing balance to the body through activities that restore a sense of nervous system safety; mindfulness, forest bathing, and exercise, however little is mentioned around the powerful and useful aspects of creativity and play as ways to regulate the nervous system as well. This session will explore the research surrounding these topics, and you will also get your hand active in their practice! Bring your attention and an open-mind to a session that will give you some surprising insights for yourself and your practice. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Dr Aoife Earls

    Cost: $ Free

  • Prof Jerome Sarris - Fish Oil and Lifestyle Medicine for Enhancing Mood - Symposium 2021

    This session covers two areas of clinical interest for the treatment of mood disorders, and the enhancement of mental health- EPA-rich fish oil, and lifestyle medicine (diet, physical activity, sleep, substance/alcohol use, nature, screen-time etc.). The presentation updates on the current evidence in these areas- detailing meta-analyses, clinical trial results, and epidemiological data. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Prof Jerome Sarris

    Cost: $ Free

  • Maria Allerton - Heavy Metal Assessment as part of the Holistic Care of Mental Health - Symposium 2021

    In this practical presentation, clinical nutritionist Maria Allerton will review the fascinating case of a patient who presented with a complex history of mental health issues. Using a comprehensive panel of standard pathology tests, functional testing, and hair mineral analysis, Maria unravelled the complex web of biochemical imbalances and metabolic disturbances affecting this patient’s mental health. Maria will review these testing panels in her presentation and explore when and how these can be used in a clinical setting to direct patient care. Key themes to be explored will include the role of ‘metabolic type’ and how this influences neuroendocrine wellbeing; the impact that toxic metals can have on mental health and how to support patients in eliminating these; and the importance of mineral balance in mental health (e.g.: Cu/Zn ratio; Mg/Ca balance; and Na/K balance). Holistic treatment strategies to help address these underlying drivers of mood disturbances will also be discussed. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Ms Maria Allerton

    Cost: $ Free

  • Leah Hechtman - The Domino Effect: Conception and the Endocrine System - Symposium 2021

    In our modern world of fast paced lives; high demands; and busyness being a badge of honour our internal and external pressures are higher than ever before. It is no wonder our endocrine system is negatively impacted and subsequent effects to fertility seen in a clinical context. The rule of the endocrine domino effect has never been more apparent. As our mental health requires greater neurological, hormonal and chemical support our endocrine system adapts, modulates and modifies to accommodate. The subsequent impact to our ability to procreate substantiates our current declining fertility statistics. The human body will shut down and prevent conception unless it is considered ’safe’. It will adapt hormonal control to ensure fertility is delayed until the body is more balanced, rested and secure. We cannot expect our treatments to work without this consideration. We cannot expect the human body to create life when the parents'' wellbeing is compromised. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Ms Leah Hechtman

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Sanjeev Sharma - How Mitochondrial Function, Oxidative Stress & the Microbiome Affect Mental Health - Symposium 2021

    We live in a transformational era for understanding the aetiology of mental health disorders – we are only now beginning to truly appreciate the impact of inflammation, microbiome imbalance (i.e.: gut dysbiosis), oxidative stress, and impaired mitochondrial output on brain function. Similarly, the value of assessment strategies such as organic acid testing (OAT) gastrointestinal (GI) microbial mapping is becoming increasingly apparent; as is the value of dietary, lifestyle and natural interventions for fighting inflammation, restoring normal gut function, reducing oxidative stress, and improving mitochondrial function. Through this case study-based discussion, Dr Sharma will share his experiences as an integrative psychiatrist on these fascinating topics, and take us on an exploration of the network biology of mental health in conditions as diverse as schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. This presentation will be especially relevant for Practitioners interested in alleviating the suffering of patients with mental disorders using a truly holistic approach. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Dr Sanjeev Sharma

    Cost: $ Free

  • Petrea King - Peace in Practice - Symposium 2021

    It is often when the unexpected, the unthinkable or the unimaginable happens in our lives that we find out just how resilient we are! The past year or two have provided us with plenty of opportunities to practice what we encourage our patients to do in their own lives. They look to us for guidance and support in living well in challenging circumstances. Peace in Practice enables us to embrace every moment, regardless of its challenges, with a quiet mind and an open heart. When our inner reality is congruent with our outer demeanour, we have easy access to our insight, wisdom, humour, creativity, intuition and compassion. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Ms Petrea King

    Cost: $ Free

  • Alex Wadelton - The Right Brain Workout - Symposium 2021

    Looking around at some of the most successful businesses in the world… they are all focussed on creativity. And by creativity we don’t mean just painting and art. Rather it’s a creativity that is based on looking at problems from a different angle. Of providing a new way of thinking. Of solutions that no-one else has been able to pull off. The Right-brain Masterclass is the fun and energising workout for your brain that you never knew you needed. And it just might change how you all think, for good. CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 1 hour of learning

    Presented By: Mr Alex Wadelton

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Lara Briden - Ovulation matters - Symposium 2020

    Plenary: Ovulation matters: Exploring the value of natural ovulatory menstrual cycles for general health Case studies: Obstacles to ovulation: Troubleshooting hypothalamic amenorrhea, PCOS, and post-pill amenorrhea CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 2 hours of learning

    Presented By: Dr Lara Briden

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Datis Kharrazian - Hypothyroidism & hormonal impact on brain - Symposium 2020

    Plenary 1: Hypothyroidism physiological web Case studies 1: How to evaluate Hashimoto''s hypothyroidism Plenary 2: How hormones impact brain function Case studies 2: How to develop a personalised diet, lifestyle and nutraceutical protocol for hypothyroidism CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 3.5 hours of learning

    Presented By: Dr Datis Kharrazian

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr Carrie Jones - Oestrogen detox & cortisol awakening response - Symposium 2020

    Plenary 1: Oestrogen detoxification from start to finish (phase 1, 2 and 3) Case studies 1: Oestrogen detoxification from start to finish (phase 1, 2 and 3) Plenary 2: How resilient are you? Using the cortisol awakening response as a sign of health Case studies 2: How resilient are you? Using the cortisol awakening response as a sign of health CPD information ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 3.5 hours of learning

    Presented By: Dr Carrie Jones

    Cost: $ Free

  • Dr William Walsh - Nutrient therapy for mental disorders - Symposium 2020

    Plenary: Nutrient therapy for mental disorders Case studies: Chemical biotypes of depression and individualised nutrient therapy CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 2.5 hours of learning

    Presented By: Dr William Walsh

    Cost: $ Free

  • Amanda Archibald - Culinary Biochemistry & Nutrigenomics - Symposium 2020

    Plenary 1: The influence of 21st century living on genes, environment, diet and human function Case studies 1: Fatigue, transient anxiety and weight gain meet genomics Plenary 2: Culinary Biochemistry for 21st century living. Applying DNA-directed thinking to care plans Case studies 2: Using genomics and advanced biomarkers to connect family history, individual health history and guide intervention CPD information: ACA/ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 3.5 hours of learning

    Presented By: Ms Amanda Archibald

    Cost: $ Free