Author: Stephanie Berglin, DBM, Dip Nut, BA Comms
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BioCeuticals UltraClean 85 fish oils not only provide the highest concentrated dose of omega-3 essential fatty acids (at 85%) on the Australian market, they have exceptionally high indicators of freshness, quality and purity.
Wild caught and sustainably sourced Alaska pollock from Alaskan waters, and the first fish oil on the market to qualify for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) logo, this fish oil is manufactured using a unique cold extraction method and molecular distillation processes to deliver optimal quality, purity and freshness, with low odour, low metals and low p-anisidine. The freshness of the oil is measured by its exceptionally low peroxide and TOTOX values (indicators of freshness).
It undergoes comprehensive purification to deliver a pristine source of omega-3, which complies with the strict quality standards set by the Global Organisation for EPA and DHA Omega-3 (GOED) and has a five star international fish oil standard (IFOS) rating for purity, potency and freshness.
On the UltraClean 85 product labels, you will see that the quality assurance graph shows some of the TGA limits and supplier maximums for UltraClean 85. These amounts are exactly that - approved, acceptable maximums.
In reality, UltraClean 85 markers are always cleaner and purer than the acceptable maximums. Refer to Table 1; the certificate of analysis for tested batches of UltraClean 85 show values at much lower levels.
For example, the 0.1 maximum amount of mercury for UltraClean 85 shown on the product label is the acceptable maximum amount for the supplier as well as the GOED approved standard; the tested amount for the product is <0.004.
Table 1. Product values as per certificate of analysis compared to GOED and TGA acceptable limits
ND = not detectable
"GOED has a Voluntary Monograph we use as guidelines for the industry to follow, in regards to the areas all oils should use to access their quality: oxidation, contamination and fatty acid measurements, which meet or exceed any regulatory limits in the world.
"Within GOED's contamination parameters, we have set limits for a variety of compounds that one would reasonably expect to find in the ocean, the source of many EPA and DHA oils. These include specific heavy metals and man-made industrial pollutants like dioxins, furans and PCBs. Again for all of these compounds, the limits in the GOED Voluntary Monograph are set based on the strictest regulations in the world.
"BioCeuticals, as a member of GOED, has pledged to meet all of our quality requirements. The UltraClean 85 analytical test results are well below these limits.”
Adam Ismail, Executive Director, Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s