BioCeuticals Article

Aker BioMarine to fund sustainability research in Antarctica

Aker BioMarine to fund sustainability research in Antarctica
Date: 2015-02-26
Author: - Editor
Access: Public

Aker BioMarine, a leading supplier of krill-derived products to the consumer health and wellness and animal nutrition markets, is proud to have made the inaugural commitment to the new Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR), reinforcing the company's unwavering dedication to sustainability.

"We have spent the last 12 years developing a sustainable harvesting infrastructure for krill and turning it into innovative products with recognized health benefits," said Aker BioMarine CEO Hallvard Muri. "All the way, we have been supporting science and working with key NGOs to make sure we are doing it right."

Now the company is taking the next step, in an innovative partnership with key scientists and NGOs: The Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR)

Aker BioMarine's $500,000 USD commitment
At the seminar Norway and Australia: Partners in Antarctica and for Sustainable Oceans in Sydney Elisabeth Røkke announced Aker BioMarine's financial commitment of $500,000 USD to the AWR.

Operating sustainably within a complex ecosystem is not a solo effort; It requires a team effort of multiple disciplines" said Ms. Røkke representing Aker BioMarine."Our mission is to ensure that sound science, robust research and a precautionary approach guide all decisions on Antarctic fisheries."

Lalen Dogan, Aker BioMarine Antarctic's Representative in Australia proudly announced that the Australian companies Blackmores and Swisse have also stepped up to become partners of the AWR:

"There are many sustainability programs out there, but few that include mechanisms for the consumer to get involved in a meaningful way. The AWR addresses that by involving them in opportunities to contribute to the solution, and I am happy that these companies feel the same way."

New research collaboration project announced
In addition to the AWR inaugural launch, the University of Tasmania and partner organisations, including Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australian Antarctic Division and Aker BioMarine will announce a three-year Australian Research Council collaboration project, which will facilitate critical research on krill biology.

Aker BioMarine's extensive sustainability commitments already include:

  • The only krill harvester in the world that has been awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for sustainability and traceability
  • Aker BioMarine, and soon all Norwegian vessels operating in the Antarctic, have introduced standards such as 100 percent independent observer coverage
  • The introduction of satellite tracking on vessels in the region
  • Active in stakeholder dialogue with regulatory and environmental authorities and stakeholders, such as the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, the British Antarctic Survey and Australian Antarctic Division and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Norway)

More on the Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund:

  • The Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund was established in January 2015 by The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Norway), The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition - ASOC and Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS.
  • The Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund will raise donations from commercial and private partners in order to facilitate and promote research on the Antarctic ecosystem
  • A Science Advisory Group will evaluate and prioritize scientific research proposals for the Board of the Fund.

Source: New Hope 360