Blackmores Professional Mineral Therapy Course - 2020
When prescribed by a healthcare professional mineral therapy, is a popular standalone or adjunctive therapy based on the foundations of naturopathic tradition, suitable for patients of all ages and economical, which encourages patient compliance and therefore results.
Minerals Studied
The 11 salts studied are calcium (calcium fluoride, phosphate and sulfate), potassium (potassium chloride, phosphate and sulfate), magnesium (magnesium phosphate), sodium (sodium phosphate and sulfate), iron (iron phosphate) and silicon dioxide.
Learning Objectives
Understand the biochemical and physiological roles of the 11 mineral salts of mineral therapy.
Understand the individual applications of the 11 mineral salts of mineral therapy.
Assess mineral deficiencies by identifying the key signs and symptoms.
CPD accreditation
ATMS/ANTA/CMA/NHAA - 5 hours of learning
Presented By: BioCeuticals Editor
Category: Programs