
Integrative Oncology In Practice

Integrative Oncology In Practice

Experience an immersive and interactive program with Lise Alschuler where successful case studies are presented and reviewed, providing a tangible and practical learning experience.
Utilise the Q&A facility to ask questions and make comments. These are collected and curated for use in exclusive Q&A sessions with Lise Alschuler.
1 hour Q&A session, based on module content and case studies, released one week after a module launch.
All sessions can be accessed in your own time, in the comfort of your own home, with unlimited access to re-watch modules.
Online quizzes allow for revision and to check your learning, as well as earning CPD points.

Please note: all costs are in Australian dollars

CPD information
ANTA/ATMS/CMA/NHAA - 24 hours of learning

Presented By: Dr. Lise Alschuler ND, FABNO
Category: Programs


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