HCP, or Patient with a referral code?


Heavy metal assessment as part of the holistic care of mental health

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Features of the Program

In this practical presentation, clinical nutritionist Maria Allerton will review the fascinating case of a patient who presented with a complex history of mental health issues. Using a comprehensive panel of standard pathology tests, functional testing, and hair mineral analysis, Maria unravelled the complex web of biochemical imbalances and metabolic disturbances affecting this patient’s mental health. Maria will review these testing panels in her presentation and explore when and how these can be used in a clinical setting to direct patient care.

Key themes to be explored will include the role of ‘metabolic type’ and how this influences neuroendocrine wellbeing; the impact that toxic metals can have on mental health and how to support patients in eliminating these; and the importance of mineral balance in mental health (e.g.: Cu/Zn ratio; Mg/Ca balance; and Na/K balance). Holistic treatment strategies to help address these underlying drivers of mood disturbances will also be discussed.

CPD information:- 1 hour of learning

Presented By: Ms Maria Allerton