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Celloids online masterclass series

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Features of the Program

This online workshop is an excellent opportunity for students and experienced practitioners to learn dozens of valuable tips and prescribing techniques. Presented by Christina Scalone who has over 34 years of clinical experience, the lessons include treatment strategies and years of insights on the application of mineral therapy, as a stand-alone therapy and how to use them adjunctively with herbs to support a range of conditions.

Christina Scalone Adv D Nat, Adv DWHM, Adv D Hom, Adv D Nut Med, DCH

Christina remains incredibly passionate about naturopathic medicine after 34 years of experience and is known as an influential practitioner. She was taught by Denis Stewart and since then, Christina has had a diverse career that includes a number of successful clinics, working with doctors. Christina has been a popular college lecturer and clinic supervisor, in addition to having her own busy private practice.

Learning Objectives

Gain more confidence in dispensing a range of modalities that complement each other and how to use a personalised prescribing style for better clinical outcomes.

Acquire the ability to manage difficult conditions. Discover the role of mineral therapy when dispensed adjunctively with herbs to improve patient outcomes and as a stand-alone modality.

Identify the key characteristics of personalised prescribing
Gain confidence in how to interpret presenting body signs and symptoms
Learn different dosing strategies for acute and chronic conditions

CPD information - 5 hours of learning

Presented By: Ms Christina Scalone Adv D Nat, Adv DWHM, Adv D Hom, Adv D Nut Med, DCH