HCP, or Patient with a referral code?


Trauma informed practice: unpacking the modern trauma toolkit with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Dr Christine Gibson


Table of Contents


Trauma and resilience specialist, Dr Christine Gibson joins fx Medicine ambassador, Dr Michelle Woolhouse, to discuss the role of trauma in clinical practice; how this may manifest for patients, and how healthcare practitioners can empower patients working through trauma.  

Michelle and Christine unpack the evolution of trauma in practice, looking to the research and sharing their own clinical experience in supporting patients with trauma. Together they provide hope to those impacted by trauma, with the idea that trauma can be effectively managed, and that coping mechanisms serve a beneficial psychological and physiological purpose. 

Christine provides a myriad of research and evidence-based tools, to equip the healthcare practitioner with the knowledge and practical skill to provide support, normalise and unpack the complex issue of trauma, and provide hope for patients.  

This podcast is a must listen for anyone who works in the trauma space.