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Childbirth education: Knowledge is power with Emma Sutherland, Kerry Sutcliffe & Dr Kate Levett


Table of Contents


At 37 percent, the rate of Australian caesarean section procedures is already one of the highest globally, and is projected to hit 45 percent by the year 2030. Join fx Medicine by BioCeuticals Ambassador Emma Sutherland and guests Dr Kate Levitt and Kerry Sutcliffe for an evidence-based discussion on the current birthing landscape in Australia. 

Kerry first takes us into the fascinating history of childbirth to help us understand the drastic changes from women-led, community-based birthing to the modern medicalised and seemingly disempowered process of birthing. She discusses the main drivers leading to C-section, recognising the prevalence of trauma around birth and how clinicians can provide knowledge and tools for an overall positive birthing experience.  

Dr Levett layers in results from her current research which provides insight into the importance of working with a woman’s support structures (birth partner, family, allied healthcare practitioners) and following their preferences that can ultimately lead to profound birth and health benefits. She provides important information on how birthing guidelines are developed and how giving frank, open and honest information driven by the woman’s birth experience requirements helps to support a more effective (in both cost and personal experience) labour.